I bought an HF rig finally!
Erica and I are working to pay down our debt, so our plan for me buying a new mid-priced radio are on hold. In the meantime I found an older hybrid Kenwood TS-530s (for $299!) and it is on it’s way here from South Carolina. From what I’ve read it’s a great rig and I am looking forward to learning to operate it. I have been reading the manual, online articles, etc. and will e getting it set up shortly after it arrives.
I purchased a G5RV from TrueTalk on eBay, and will install this as one antenna. I plan on building and installing a center loaded off-center fed dipole tuned for 80m as described by Serge Stoobandt, ON4AA. This will likely be my main antenna and I plan on stringing it up betweet two tall fir trees as high as I can get it. Information about the antenna is available at ON4AA’s Hamwaves website and worth a read!