(At least for a while)
This weekend is the ARRL International DX Contest (SSB) and I will take this opportunity to get on the air one last time before having to take down the G5RV to work on a fencing project. The G5RV is strung between two tall trees on the East side of our property, about 65’ AGL. In order to install a fence for our livestock, I need to cut down a bunch of brush and alder trees that are just tall enough to hit the antenna if it stays in place.
I have been thinking of replacing the G5RV with a different antenna anyway, and for now am considering installing a Double Extended Zepp. I will run ladder line from the shack to the feedpoint to make it a decent multiband antenna. The hard part is already done – installing the pulleys in the trees. All that’s left to do is run the ladder line from the shack to the antenna. Thankfully I think I can use some other trees to keep the feed line above ground and out of the way of traffic (pedestrian, animal, truck, and tractor). I already have a 1:1 ATU Balun from Balun Designs to get the feedline into the shack safely and connected to my ground system. Now to buy some wire and insulators and hook it up! I still want to learn how to model antenna designs and have the ARRL Antenna book and software. I just need the time to study and practice using the various modeling software.
While I have the G5RV down, I will still have my 4BTV (+17m) available so I won’t be completely out of commission. I haven’t had much time to operate lately anyway due to my CW Academy work, farm and garden chores, and trying to spend time with the XYL. I also have my 40m Delta Loop I can put up if I need and it can also tune up on 15.
This weekend’s weather looks crappy – perfect for not working outside and sitting down at the radio to make some contacts. Here’s hoping for good band condx and rare DX!